In June 2022, SBTC Consulting hosted in Muğla (Turkey) the BadgeTour project partners for their first face-to-face transnational meeting. The meeting took place between the 7th and the 8th of June as an hybrid event: the hosting partner, SBTC and partners from Italy (Training2000), Spain (INFODEF) and Switzerland (SUPSI) participated in the face to face meeting in person while project partners representatives from Finland (OAMK) and Portugal (Minfshift) joined the meeting virtually using a video conferencing tool.

The aim of this meeting was to share the status of the project, the main results obtained and the future activities to be implemented during the next weeks of the Project.
At the beginning of the meeting, the partners agreed on the agenda and focused on review’s activities of the project; the importance of participating in the Transnational Project meeting had been underlined in order to carry on all the activities successfully. The activities concerning Result 1 “BadgeTour micro-credentialing guidelines” were discussed among the partners in order to work on the tasks provided under this result. The partners analyzed and discussed, with the support of OAMK, possible procedures to define a constellation of badges and elaborate some badges for the purpose. They agreed on the date for the elaboration of the first draft of the guidelines.

With regard to the Result 2 “BadgeTour toolkit”, discussed the opportunities of developing the OERs: Training 2000 and SUPSI expressed and shared their ideas concerning the creation of an OERs platform for the training modules. Each partner will be in charge of developing one of the five modules. Partners shared their suggestions concerning the creation of their respective modules and their implementation on the future e-learning platform. Mindshift presented and specified the activities to be implemented by the partners within Result 3 “BadgeTour training path” during the next weeks. All the partners discussed the organization of the Learning and training activity in Oulu (Finland) and agreed to finalize a draft programme of the event by the end of October 2022.

Finally, dissemination and sustainability activities as well as management activities and quality assurance were discussed among the partners; a more active commitment and involvement on social media is required to raise the number of followers and people interested in the project. The meeting was very interesting and productive: the next project activities to be implemented were defined and will be announced in the near future.

Categories: News


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